Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stage Check

So finally I'm getting my stage check with an advanced pilot. I have to do that before I can have my check ride with an FAA examiner. I have been waiting for 6 days for a pilot to get time for me. But after tomorrow I will be ready for the big test. So hopefully this weekend or for sure on Tuesday I will be a private pilot. Then it is on to doing some of the commercial requirements and learning to fly a different helicopter. I am also planning to get my fixed wing add on as well. The school has a Cessna 172 for training purposes. So depending on the next few weeks, I might start learning to fly that too! But I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
ps. the weather here has been in the mid 70's in the day and 60's at night. sunny and light wind. It sure doesn't feel like December!


Ben said...

fixed wing? ohh yeah well, what if i just want to stop and turn around? try that now!

Unknown said...

I wanna riiiiiiide....(sniffle sniffle)